Saturday, October 17, 2009

Muffins Many Attempts-including Muffins!

This is the hat I finished today. I didn't have a pattern I just kinda made it up as I went...its purpose was originally to be a green accessory at the next football game. But I think I'll be wearing it all winter long.. Below is what it looks like on. Sorry the picture is upside down..
I also did some cooking/baking this past week. Pictured below are "Churro Muffins"
Pictured below is Thai Noodles with Chicken, Vegetables, and some lime wedges. (It was divine! :))
I also went on a walk and took some fun pics by a river. The reflection was freakin' amazing!


  1. I love the hat!! And by the way, you totally rock at cooking. I would've messed up thai noodles beyond anything you could possibly imagine, so, good job!

    Have an awesome day!


  2. Thanks! I could make you one for an uber amazing price of just 3 bucks. Any takers? i've got almost every color of yarn.

  3. (Now hats cost 4 dollars each. Just thought I would let everyone know.)
